The true meaning of Mentorship...

We believe that any aspiring medical/dental student under our guidance should be developing the characteristics of a doctor/dentist early and organically. So from day one, we will be engaging with you to ensure that you are developing the core skills of a doctor/dentist as well as appreciating the values of the medical/dental profession. This involves meeting you regularly face-to-face or online, often with a tutorial format. We are also available to support you in-between via mobile, email, and messaging.

What makes us unique is that we are a service that is created and delivered by doctors/dentists so you will actually be looked after by professionals who have been through the process of applying for University, therefore they will have the insight and experience to guide you and understand all the potential hardships, uncertainty and hard work that you will be facing!

We will also cover the essential five steps that all applications require to succeed, as well as providing academic support, and developing essential communication and interpersonal skills, and relevant knowledge in ethics and humanities. Finally, you will be invited to join our alumni network of doctors and dentists in UK and HK. This provides you with a lifelong network of support, social and professional opportunities.   

The Aspire Mentorship Programme Roadmap

There are many possible entry points into the Aspire Mentorship Programme. Students typically join us at the beginning of year 12 (or equivalent stages). This roadmap provides an overview of the progression and main components (excluding 'ACE' step) of the programme. The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme are similarly considered. 


the aspire mentorship programme overview

mentorship | 5 steps | ace step | alumni


component 1






structured activities 


component 2

the essential 5 steps

university selection

finding work experiencE

entrance exam preparation

personal statement guidance

interview skills training


component 3

the 'ACE' STEP





component 4

aspire alunmi

continued professional support

extended network

AMBASSADOR/mentor roles

alumni scholarships




The essential stages of the Aspire Mentorship Programme as highlighted by artistic images of "Dental Mirrors" and "Stethoscopes" :

Component 1 : mentorship

Our ethos is to provide a one-to-one mentorship service that is tailored individually for the students, that is delivered through regular communication and contact, and ongoing goal-setting and progress reviews, with a dedicated mentor. Through this mentorship element, we also hope to nurture our students in developing the essential attributes and characteristics to become a doctor or dentist. 

Furthermore, we understand that this can be a very challenging and difficult times for many students, having to study for academic grades, as well as preparing for other components of the application, our mentors aim to address any psychological support that maybe required. We will also be holding regular progress meetings with the parents, if required. 

The uniqueness of this support provides both the student and the parents the full confidence that any potential problems are addressed promptly and efficiently.  

We pride ourselves in providing this novel approach to university application guidance. 

component 2 : the essential 5 steps



Choosing the right University to read medicine or dentistry is the beginning step of the Mentorship. It is also an important step of the application process as it identifies key preparation areas which are unique to any given chosen University. We have a comprehensive knowledge of the institutions which offer medicine and dentistry and we will help you decide on the right Universities to apply for. 



Work experience is crucial for a successful application to medical or dental school. They demonstrate that you have taken the time to explore the potential of a medical/dental career and gain invaluable insight. We will assist you in applying for placements that will provide opportunities for you to be exposed to a wide range of clinical settings including hospital, GP and community placements. We will teach students ways of approaching and reflecting on work placements, to maximise the benefiit of these experiences toward their application.  


3. entrance exam preparation

Most Universities require candidates to sit an entrance exam, which is typically in the form of an aptitude test. In the UK, the entrance exams which are mandatory are known as UKCAT, BMAT, and GAMSAT. One of these exams must be sat and these exams must be thoroughly prepared for. As part of the mentorship, we will guide you through the relevant exam(s) which you must take and provide the resources to thoroughly prepare for the exam. We will also test you by arranging mock exams to ensure that you are on the right track in jumping this challenging hurdle of the application.  


4. PErsonal statement GUIDANCE

Your personal statement is a vital part of your application. In order for you to get an interview, you must satisfy the admissions tutor that you have the right mindset for studying medicine/dentistry. The personal statement simply must be perfect and a true reflection of you. We will provide one-to-one coaching sessions to ensure you are selling yourself in the best possible way. This involves structuring the personal statement, brainstorming to help you answer those key questions and motivations that admissions tutors are looking for, and of course, making sure that the statement reads with flair.      


5. Interview skills TRAINING

So you've secured the interview, well done! The hard work is only just beginning... This is your one-shot to impress the interview panel and really show them that you have the mindset to become a doctor or dentist. There are several age-old questions that you simply must be able to answer, including the dreaded: "why do you want to be a doctor?" question. Other questions are designed to test your knowledge of current events, other questions may test your critical thinking. In the mentorship program we will coach you through the possible questions that may be asked, and thoroughly prepare you for anything that interviewers may throw your way. The key aim for us is to equip you with the skills to answer any question with confidence.  

component 3 : the 'ACE' step


A - ACADEMIC Support

Your academic results play a critical role in the shortlisting process in securing an interview, and subsequently, an offer into university. Our academic team at Aspire will from day one, review your academic status and address any potential needs. We understand that different students will require different levels of input. The academic team will be conducting regular progress reviews to ensure the students are heading the right direction. Tutoring support is available if required. 


C - Communication and Interpersonal Skills

The ability to communicate effectively and clearly is an essential skill in the application into medical and dental schools. The interview process will assess your capability to relay information in a succinct and informative manner. Through regular face-to-face communication, discussion forums (e.g. problem based learning sessions), and formal tutorials on communication skills, we hope students will develop good communication skills, as well as, interpersonal, leadership and team-working skills. 


E - Ethics and Humanities

Ethics has become one of the key themes of the interview process. Universities are now regularly assessing a student's ability to analyse ethical scenarios (such as abortion, blood transfusions in Jehovah's Witnesses, euthanasia, and the ever popular case of managing a drunken boss!). Students must be familiar with the four pillars of ethics (Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and Justice), and have the ability to utilise these concepts in answering ethical questions. At Aspire, we organise Ethics and Humanities workshops to educate students in these common themes and to facilitate active discussions.   


Component 4 : aspire Alumni

On completion of the Aspire Mentorship Programme and entry into university, students will be enrolled onto the Aspire Alumni Group. This alumni group will continue to receive professional advice and support from our Aspire mentors and tutors, and will also function to allow students will continue build relations with other students and their mentors. In time, some of alumnus will be selected to become ambassadors and mentors for the company, and occasionally, receive scholarships for any outstanding performances. 

We hope you will be joining our Aspire family soon!  

Meetings are typically conducted face to face or online (Skype) 

Meetings are typically conducted face to face or online (Skype) 

list of Universities offering Medicine in the UK :

Aberdeen (University of), School of Medicine
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary, University of London
Birmingham (University of), School of Medicine
Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Bristol (University of), Faculty of Medicine
Cambridge (University of), School of Clinical Medicine
Cardiff University, School of Medicine
Dundee (University of), Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing
Edinburgh (The University of), College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Exeter (University of), Medical School
Glasgow (University of), College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences
Hull York Medical School
Imperial College School of Medicine, London
Keele University, School of Medicine
King's College London School of Medicine (at Guy's, King's College and St Thomas' Hospital)
Lancaster University, Faculty of Health & Medicine
Leeds (University of), School of Medicine
Leicester (University of), Leicester Medical School
Liverpool (University of), Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Postgraduate Medical School)
Manchester (University of), Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences
Newcastle University Medical School
Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia
Nottingham (The University of), Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Oxford (University of), Medical Sciences Division
Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
Queen's University Belfast, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Sheffield (The University of), School of Medicine
Southampton (University of), School of Medicine
St Andrews (University of), Faculty of Medical Sciences
St George's, University of London
Swansea University, School of Medicine
University College London, University College Medical School
Warwick (The University of), Warwick Medical School

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